Transactions of the 71st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Held March 22 to 25, 2006 in Columbus, Ohio
Opening Session. Natural Resource Conservation...The Other Homeland Security
Welcome and Opening Remarks of the 71st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Steven A. Williams
When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It, but..., John Baughman
Development and a Changing Climate: Wildlife Caught in the Squeeze, James T. Martin
Session One. When Wildlife and Human Interactions Lead to Crisis
Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future: Managing Wildlife Crises, Robert H. Schmidt, Terry Mansfield and Thomas J. DeLiberto
Crisis Management: Top Ten Rules for Working with the Media during a Crisis, Valerie L. Fellows
The Challenge of White-tailed Deer Management, Gary L. Alt, Marrett D. Grund and Byron P. Shissler
Managing Negative Human-Wildlife Situations, Mark Damian Duda
Session Two. Farm Bill 2007: Opportunities and Obstacles to Private Land Management
Conservation in the 2007 Farm Bill: Lessons from Past Farm Bills, Jeffrey Zinn
Politics or Science? A Look at the Past to Guide Our Future, Jim Wiesemeyer
Where Do We Go from Here?, Craig Cox
Session Three. Resource Agency Accountability
What Partners Deserve: Accountability and Credible Natural Resources Management, John Cooper and Donald Virgovic
Accountability and Quality in an Information Technology Era: Are We Witnessing the Death of Deference?, Daniel Ashe
Data Quality, Peer Review and the Politicization of Science, Albert H. Teich and Melissa Pollak
Development and a Changing Climate: Wildlife Caught in the Squeeze, Bob Budd
Session Four. From Landscape to Riverscapes: Adding Fish to the Mainstream of Wildlife Habitat Initiatives
Water, Water Everywhere but Not a Place for Fish: Tackling Water and Fish Habitat Management for Productive Fisheries in North America, William W. Taylor, Sara M. Hughes and Katrina B. Mueller
Call to Action: The National Fish Habitat Initiative, Douglas J. Austen
Advancing Fish Habitat Management with Partnerships: From Headwaters to the Sea, Mamie Parker
Fish Habitat Conservation: A Cutthroat Business Approach for Shareholders, James T. Martin
Entering the Mainstream: Where Do We Go from Here?, Kathryn Boyer
Session Five. Current Status and Future Directions of Waterfowl Harvest Management
Opening Comments, Rollin D. Sparrowe
Retrospective on Waterfowl Management over the Last 20 years, Robert J. Blohm
Adaptive Harvest Management and Double-loop Learning, Fred A. Johnson
Coherence between Harvest and Habitat Management-Joint Venture Perspectives, Charles K. Baxter, Jeffrey W. Nelson, Kenneth J. Reinecke and Scott E. Stephens
Social Factors in Waterfowl Management: Conservation Goals, Public Perceptions and Hunter Satisfaction, Daniel J. Witter, David J. Case, James H. Gammonley and Don Childress
Coordinating Waterfowl Conservation throughout North America, Stephen Wendt
Adaptive Harvest Management: Where We Are, How We Got Here and What We Have Learned Thus Far, Byron Ken Williams
Harvest Potential and Habitat Are Inextricably Links, Michael G. Anderson, John M. Eadie, Min T. Huang, Rex Johnson, Mark D. Koneff, James K. Ringelman, Michael C. Runge and Barry C. Wilson
Social Challenges for the Improvement for Waterfowl Management: Public Involvement, Institutional Commitments and Information Needs, Jody W. Enck and James K. Ringelman
Policy and Management Decisions: Monitoring beyond Biological Processes, Dale D. Humburg, Mark D. Koneff, Andrew H. Raedeke and David A. Graber
Funding: What's Needed, What's Available, How to Make up the Difference if We Can't, Duane Shroufe
Closing Comments, Kenneth Babcock
Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.