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Transactions of the 68th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference


Held March 26 to 29, 2003 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina


Opening Session. Grappling with Delivery of Conservation Programs: Wrestling with the Devil

Opening Statement: A Vision for Conservation for the Next 100 Years, Rollin D. Sparrowe

Remarks by the Director of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Kathleen Clarke

Investing in the Future of Wildlife, Bruce I Knight

Special Session One. The National Wildlife Refuge System: A Century of Conservation

Celebrating a Century of Conservation, Steven A. Williams

Long-term Challenges for Our Nation's Refuges, W. Alan Wentz

The Role of the National Wildlife Refuge System in Conserving Threatened and Endangered Species, Robert P Davison

The National Wildlife Refuge System: A Century of Conservation, Realizing the Enduring Values of National Wildlife Refuges, J Michael Nussman

State Fish and Wildlife Agency Perspectives on National Wildlife Refuge Planning Issues and Development of Policies Pursuant to the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, John Kennedy

The Role of the National Wildlife Refuge System in Conserving Biodiversity: Existing Challenges and Future Needs, Thomas J Cassidy, Jr. and Gary S. Kania

The National Wildlife Refuge System: The Next 100 Years, Robin L. West, Dean Rundle, Jean Takekawa, Deborah G Holle and Steve Kallin

Special Session Two. Conservation on Private Lands: The Buck Stops Where?

Using U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Bill Programs to Address Agricultural Viability and Biological Diversity at Multiple Scales in Connecticut, Margo L. Wallace

Assuring Accountability at Multiple Scales, Andrew P. Manale

Exploring Opportunities to Apply Conservation Provisions in Iowa, Jeffrey R. Vonk

Special Session Three. Natural Resources Policy: Science under the Microscope

Wildfire Policy in Transition: Where There's Smoke, There's . . . Mirrors, James E. Hubbard

Interjurisdictional Fisheries Management: Better Data-Better Decisions, John H Dunnigan

Double-crested Cormorant Impacts to Fisheries Resources in New York: Science-based Evaluations That Refute a Natural Resources Dogma, Douglas L. Stang, John T Major, Lars G Rudstam, Anthony J. VanDe Valk, James H Johnson and Brian F Lantry

A Study of Science and Policy for Grizzly Bears and Wolves, Greg Schildwachter

When Science, Policy and Politics Don't Mix: The Case of the Missing Lynx, Thomas M Franklin and Caitlin A. Burke

Special Session Four. Trouble in the City: Human and Wildlife Conflicts in Urban and Suburban North America

Tremors along the Urban-Wildlife Fault Line, Michael R. Conover and Denise 0. Conover

Public Values and Urban Wildlife: A Love-Hate Relationship or Too Much of a Good Thing, Harry C. Zinn and Craig A. Miller

The Role of Educational Intervention in Community-based Deer Management, Paul D. Curtis, William F Siemer and James E. Shanahan

Black-tailed Prairie Dog Management in Urban-Suburban Settings: Opportunities and Challenges, Gary Witmer, Mark Brennan, Donna Dees, Brian Hoffmann, Frances Pusateri, Cary Richardson and David Seery

Be Bear Aware, Gail Tunberg and E. Leon Fisher

Bears and Moose in Massachusetts: The Past, the Present and the Future Possibilities, John E. McDonald, Jr.

The Role and Services Provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Wildlife Services Program in the Management of Conflicts Caused by Wildlife in Urban Areas, Monte D. Chandler

High Profile Urban Wildlife Conflicts: Powder Keg or Opportunity?, Joseph C. Yarchin

The Infrastructure for Urban Wildlife Management Is Missing, Clark E. Adams

The Private Sector's Involvement in Wildlife Control, Kevin Clark

Special Session Five. Bird Conservation: A Foundation for Broader Wildlife Conservation?

Poised to Fly: From Where Have We Come, and Where Are We Now?, Kenneth M Babcock and Thomas E. Moorman

A New Paradigm for Bird Conservation: The Role of Applied Science in Conserving the Full Spectrum of North American Birds through Regional Partnerships, Rex R. Johnson, Charles K. Baxter and Seth Mott

A Research Agenda for Bird Conservation, Byron K. Williams

Advancing Bird Conservation in a Way That Serves Broader Wildlife Conservation Needs: A State Agency's Perspective, David J Waller, Emily Jo Williams, Terry W. Johnson and Michael J Harris

Birds and Conservation Accounting, Ellie M Cohen

Meeting the Challenge: The Role of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Bird Conservation, Steven A. Williams and Paul Schmidt

How to Achieve Our Vision of Bird Conservation over the Next 100 Years, Rollin D. Sparrowe

Special Session Six. Crisis in Conservation: Coping and Containing

Crisis in Conservation: A State Perspective, Diana L. Hallett, Rick Thom and Ollie Torgerson

Communicating in Times of Crisis: Managing Public Opinion, Credibility and Outcomes, David J Case

Desired Condition-The Missing National Forest Planning, Thomas A. Troxel and Aaron M Everett

A University Perspective on Crisis in Conservation, Brenda McComb

Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.

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