Transactions of the 63rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Held March 20 to 24, 1998 in Orlando, Florida
Opening Session. Protecting Our Common Heritage
Opening Statement, Rollin D. Sparrowe
Protecting Our Common Heritage-Keynote, USDI Secretary Bruce Babbitt
1997 National 4-H Wildlife and Fisheries Volunteer Leader Recognition Awards Maintaining Park Natural Resource Values in Challenging Times, Robert G. Stanton
Fish and Wildlife Service Response to Changing Times, Jamie R. Clark
Public Lands in the 21st Century, Patrick A. Shea
Potential Impacts of Climate Change, David M. Gardiner
Special Session 1. Nonindigenous Species: Methods of Introduction and Impacts
Introductory Remarks, Pam Fuller
Nonindigenous Ungulates in Texas, Long-term Population Trends and Possible Competitive Mechanisms, Stephen Demarais, John T. Baccus and Max S. Traweek, Jr.
Ecological Effects of the Invasive Nonindigenous Ant, Solenopsis invicta, no Native Vertebrates: The Wheels on the Bus, Craig R. Allen, R. Scott Lutz and Stephen Demaris
Carp Impacts on Waterfowl at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon, Gary L. Ivey, John E. Cornely and Bradley D. Ehlers
Nonindigenous, Container-inhabiting Mosquitoes: Their Geographic Spread and Ecological Impact, George F. O'Meara
Impacts of Whirling Disease on Wild Trout Populations in Colorado, R. Barry Nehring, Kevin G. Thompson and Sherman Hebein
Managing Island Biotas: Can Indigenous Species Be Protected From Introduced Predators Such as the Brown Treesnake? Gordon H. Rodda, Thomas H. Fritts, Gad Perry and Earl W. Campbell III
Special Session 2. Restoring Altered Ecosystems: Is it Possible?
Opening Remarks, Laurence L. Connor
A Conceptual Basis for Evaluating Restoration Success, David H. Anderson and Bruce D. Dugger
Developing Expectations for Ecosystem Restoration, Louis A. Toth and David H. Anderson
Development of an Interactive GIS Model for Wetlands Protection and Restoration: Breaking the Barriers to Consensus Planning, Holly Andree, Jing Huang, Robb D. Macleod, Ruth E. Spell, Frederic A. Reid, Richard G. Kempka and Roger Locke
What is Restoring Bottomland Hardwood Forests? A Study from the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Callie Jo Schweitzer
The Upper St. Johns River Basic Project: Merging Flood Control With Aquatic Ecosystems Restoration and Preservation, Steven J. Miller, Mary Ann Lee and Edgar F. Lowe
Developing a Road Map for Integrated Resource Management Within the Rush Lake Watershed: A Case Study, Lance Kuester, Jack Arnold and David Pauly
The Potential for Reestablishing Bay Scallops to the Estuaries of the West Coast of Florida, Norman J. Blake
Seagrass Restoration in Northwest Florida, J. Taylor Kirschenfeld
A Statewide Framework for Establishing Ecosystem Management Areas, Pat Fricano
Special Session 3. Integrating Human Dimensions Into Management: Partnerships and Progress
Introductory Remarks, Tommy L. Brown and Daniel J. Decker
Emergence of Human Dimensions in Wildlife Management, Daniel J. Witter and Laurence R. Jahn
Utilizing Human Dimensions Information in Federal Wildlife Damage Management Programs, William H. Clay and Robert H. Schmidt
Human Dimensions in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Decision Making, Lynn G. Llewellyn, William R. Mangun and Jean C. Mangun
Public Partnerships for Urban Deer Management in Missouri, Laurie Dohm and Edward Brown
Integrating Human Dimensions in Wildlife Management: Experience and Outlooks of an Enduring Partnership, George F. Mattfeld, Gary R. Parsons, Tommy L. Brown and Daniel J. Decker
Wildlife Management Institute in Colorado: The Past, the Present and Predictions of the Future, Linda Sikorowski, John Smeltzer and Michael J. Manfredo
Partnerships in Conservation: Using Human Dimensions to Strengthen Relationships Between Fish and Wildlife Agencies and Their Constituents, Mark Damian Duda, Kira C. Young and Steven J. Bissell
What is the Future for Human Dimensions of Wildlife? Michael J. Manfredo, Daniel J. Decker and Mark Damian Duda
Human Dimensions and the Next Quarter Century: An Agency Professional's Perspective, Larry M. Gigliotti
Special Session 4. Burning Issues and Smoke Screens: Heat and Light in Southern Forests
Opening Remarks, Peter J. Roussopoulos
How Far Could a Squirrel Travel in the Treetops? A Prehistory of the Southern Forest, Paul B. Hamel and Edward R. Buckner
The South's Forestland-On the Hot Seat to Provide More, Raymond M. Sheffield and James G. Dickson
Voices From Southern Forests, H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bliss, Cassandra Y. Johnson and Mark Fly
People, Space and Time: Factors That will Govern Forest Sustainability, David N. Wear, Robert Abt and Robert Mangold
Intensive Management-Can the South Really Live Without It? James M. Guldin and T. Bently Wigley
Ecosystem Restoration: Fact or Fancy? John A. Stanturf, Callie J. Schweitzer, Stephen H. Schoenholtz, James P. Barnett, Charles K. McMahon and Donald D. Tomczak
Fire and Biodiversity: Studies of Vegetation and Arthropods, S.M. Hermann, T. Van Hook, R.W. Flowers, L.A. Brennan, J.S. Giltzenstein, D.R. Streng, J.L. Walker and R.L. Myers
Whither Wildlife Without Fire? L.A. Brennan, R.T. Engstrom, W.E. Palmer, S.M. Hermann, G.A. Hurst, L.W. Burger and C.L. Hardy
The Smoke Dilemma: A Head-on Collision, Gary L. Achtemeier, William Jackson, Bernie Hawkins, Dale D. Wade and Charles McMahon
Special Session 5. Endangered Species Recovery: Still a Valid Approach for Wildlife Management?
Status of Endangered Species Conservation in Canada, Lynda S. Maltby and B.T. Aniskowicz-Fowler
Mexico's Wildlife Conservation Program: A Strategy of Management for Biodiversity Compatible With Development, Carlos Llorens-Cruset and Humberto Berlanga-Garcia
Turning the Corner Toward Recovery, Michael Bender, Karen Day Boylan and E. LaVerne Smith
Gray Wolves and Private Landowners in the Greater Yellowstone Area, Michael K. Phillips and Douglas W. Smith
Red Wolf Recovery: Regulations and Private Lands in Northeastern North Carolina, Jennifer D. Gilbreath and V. Gary Henry
Protecting Panther Habitat on Private Lands-A Current Assessment, Dennis E. Hammond
When Is an Endangered Species Recovery Complete: Is Delisting the American Peregrine Falcon Appropriate? Joel E. Pagel, Douglas A. Bell and Michael L. Johnson
Delisting the Peregrine Falcon: Management and Mismanagement Under the Endangered Species Act, Tom J. Cade
Recovery of the Snail Kite in Florida: Beyond a Reductionist Paradigm, Robert E. Bennetts, Wiley M. Kitchens and Donald L. DeAngelis
Supplementing Endangered Species Recovery With a New Approach in the High Plains Region, Noreen E. Walsh and Charles M. Scott
The Species Concept, Species Prioritization and the Technical Legitimacy of the Endangered Species Act, Brian Czech and Paul R. Krausman
Special Session 6. Responsible Human Use of Fish and Wildlife: Challenges to Professional Management
Opening Comments, David Hamilton
Fair Chase and Humane Treatment: Balancing the Ethics of Hunting and Trapping, John F. Organ, Robert M. Muth, Jan E. Dizard, Scot J. Williamson and Thomas A. Decker
Defining Management Issues: Dogs, Hunting and Society, R. Ben Peyton
Can State Regulatory Agencies Resolve Controversial Wildlife Management Issues Involving the Broad General Public? Joel Bennett
A Strategic Approach to Ballot Initiatives in Wildlife Management, Scot J. Williamson
The European Union's Wild Fur Regulation: A Battle of Politics, Cultures, Animal Rights, International Trade and North America's Wildlife Policy, David A. Hamilton, Brian Roberts, Greg Linscombe, Neal R. Jotham, Howard Noseworthy and James L. Stone
American Attitudes Toward Scientific Wildlife Management and Human Use of Fish and Wildlife: Implications for Effective Public Relations and Communications Strategies, Mark Damian Duda and Kira C. Young
The Future of Wildlife and Fisheries Policy and Management: Assessing the Attitudes and Values of Wildlife and Fisheries Professionals, Robert M. Muth, David A. Hamilton, John F. Organ, Daniel J. Witter, Martha E. Mather and John J. Diagle
The Animal/Human Interface: A Journey Toward Understanding Our Views of Nature and Our Use of Animals, Shane P. Mahoney Closing Comments: Challenges to Professional Managers, John F. Organ
Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.