Transactions of the 48th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Held March 19 to 24, 1983 in Kansas City, Missouri
Improving Resource Management
Formal Opening, Daniel A. Poole
Old Style Conservation-Once Again into the Breach?, Henry L. Diamond
Retention of Federal (Public) Lands, The Honorable Ed Hersch/er
Historical Perspectives on Water Management Policies and Procedures, Henry P. Caulfield, Jr.
Current Initiatives in Water Management Policies and Procedures, Robert K. Dawson
Approaches for Resolving Mid-America's Farmland Problems, Charles T. McLaughlin
Conservation Information and Education: A Basic Constituent Service
Aldo Leopold's Challenge to Educators, Susan L. Flader
Obtaining Constituent Feedback: Implications for Conservation Programs, Daniel J. Witter and Steven L. Sheriff
Using National News Media in Wildlife Conservation Information, Alan Levitt, Inez Connor, Megan Durham, and David Klinger
Publicizing Conservation Needs, Ron Way
Role of Federal Wildlife Information Offices, John Mattoon
A Practical and Professional Approach to Conservation Reporting, Joel M. Vance
A Professional Approach to Conservation Education, Al Palladino
The Changing Face of Conservation Information, James F. Keefe
Interpreting the Wild World, John E. Wylie
When Learning Becomes Fun, Cheryl K. Riley
Conservation Challenges and Innovative Responses
Wildlife and Fish Management in the Forest Service: A Goal Oriented Approach, Robert D. Nelson, Hugh Black Jr., Robert E. Radtke, and John Mumma
Recreation Impacts: A Synthesis of Ecological and Social Research, Jerry J. Vaske, Alan R. Graefe, and Fred R. Kuss
Michigan's Land Leasing Program for Public Hunting, Donald F. Holecek
Status of Wild Horse and Burro Management on Public Rangelands, Frederic H. Wagner
Managing Central Hardwood Forests: Partnership and Model Approaches, Raymond D. Evans
How the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is Meeting the Challenge of a Reduced Federal Budget, F. Eugene Hester
State Fish and Wildlife Agency Responses to Funding Challenges, Clifton J. Whitehead
Public Financing of Fish and Wildlife Conservation: The California Experience, William C. Unkel
Wyoming's Wildlife Trust Fund, Thomas J. Wolf
Environmental Contaminants and Wildlife
Effects on Wildlife from Use of Endrin in Washington State Orchards, Lawrence J. Blus, Charles J. Henny, T. Earl Kaiser, and Robert A. Grove
Impacts of Forest Herbicides on Wildlife: Toxicity and Habitat Alteration, Michael L. Morrison and E. Charles Mes/ow
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: A Continuing Problem for the 1980s, W. James Fleming, Donald R. Clark, Jr., and Charles J. Henny
Assessing Hazards of Organophosphate Pesticides to Wildlife, Christian E. Grue, W. James Fleming, Daniel G. Busby, and Elwood F. Hill
A Physiological Model For Bioeffects Monitoring, B. R. Hollebone and D. B. Peakall
Bald Eagles and Waterfowl: The Lead Shot Connection, Oliver H. Pattee and Steven K. Hennes
Why is Environmental Contaminant Research Done by Wildlife Management Agencies?, Russell J. Hall
Migratory Bird Management: New Developments
Estimating Autumn-Spring Waterfowl Nonhunting Mortality in North Missouri, Dale D. Humburg, David Graber, Steve Sheriff, and Terry Miller
Simulating Results of Management Actions on Mallard Production, Lewis M. Cowardin, Douglas H. Johnson, Anthony M. Frank, and Albert T. Klett
New Dimensions in Ducks Unlimited's Waterfowl Programs, Dale E. Whitesell
Waterfowl Management Plans: A United States Perspective and Implementation Plans, Robert A. Jantzen
Waterfowl Management Plans: A Canadian Perspective and Implementation Plans, B. Tetreault
Provincial View of Waterfowl Management Plans, Ross MacLennan
Waterfowl Management Plans: Views of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Ted L. Clark
The Need for New Initiatives in Wetlands Management, Kenneth E. Brynaert
Response to Canadian and United States Discussion of Waterfowl Management Plans, John D. Newsom
Monitoring Fish and Wildlife Populations: State of the Art
Monitoring Wildlife and Fish: Mandates and Their Implications, Hall Salwasser, Carole K. Hamilton, William B. Krohn, James F. Lipscomb, and Carl H. Thomas
Monitoring Regional Wildlife and Fish Habitats and Populations For National Assessments and Appraisals, Thomas W. Hoekstra, David E. Chalk, Clifford L. Hawkes, Stephen A. Miller
Monitoring Wildlife Habitat and Validation of Wildlife-Habitat Relationships Models, Bruce G. Marcot, Martin G. Raphael, and Kristin H. Berry
Monitoring Large Animal Populations: The Colorado Experience, R. Bruce Gill, Len H. Carpenter, and David C. Bowden
Fisheries Monitoring and Management in Freshwater Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds, William W. Taylor and Darrell L. King
Sampling and Estimating Fish Populations From Streams, John S. Van Deventer and William S. Platts
An Integrated System For Monitoring Wildlife on the Sierra National Forest, Jared Verner
Habitat Suitability Indices For Monitoring Wildlife Populations-An Evaluation, Charles A. Cole and Robert L. Smith
Monitoring the Population Status of American Woodcock, John Tautin, Paul H. Geissler, Robert E. Munro, and Richard S. Pospahala
Emerging Nonfederal Initiatives in Resource Management
Introduction, Christopher K. Leman
State Wildlife Revenue Sources and Commitments, Alabama, Missouri and Washington, Sam Spencer, Edwin H. Glaser, and Larry Lennox
Provincial Wildlife Revenue Sources and Commitments, David J. Neave and Richard C. Goulden
Using Nonprofit Organizations to Manage Public Lands, Steven L. Yaffee
Public-Private Partnerships For Land Conservation, Philip C. Metzger
Wildlife Research by Private Conservation Organizations: Contributions and Opportunities, S. Douglas Miller, Thomas M. Franklin, and Daniel L. Leedy
State-Supported Habitat Management and Commercial Hunting on Private Lands in the United States, James G. Teer, George V. Burger, and Charles Y. Deknatel
Economic Incentives as a Conservation Strategy for Nongame and Endangered Species of Wildlife, Robert J. Smith, Jon Goldstein and R. K. Davis
Toward the Progress of Wildlife Conservation in North America, Richard D. Taber
Comments on Emerging Nonfederal Initiatives in Resource Management, Jack H. Berryman
Water and Wetlands: Policies, Planning, and Management
Potential Developments in Fish and Wildlife Habitat Policies, G. Ray Arnett
Important Indian Water Rights Cases of 1982-1983, Hank Meshorer
Instream Flow Recognition and Protection under Arkansas Water Law, Stephen Winters
Natural Area Selection and Management
State Natural Area Programs, John E. Schwegman
Private Natural Area Programs: An Overview, Lawrence Cantera
Natural Area Selection and Management: U.S. Forest Service Programs, Russell M. Burns
Successes and Problems in State Natural Areas Programs, Carol J. Pustmueller
Successes and Problems in Trying to Preserve Natural Diversity, Phillip M. Hoose
Implementing the RNA Program in the Intermountain Region, U SDA Forest Service, R. Duane Lloyd
A National Perspective on Natural Area Programs: Major Problems and Suggested Solutions, Hugh J. Harwell
Alaska's Ecological Reserves Program: Approaches, Successes, and Problems, Glen Patrick Juday
Cooperative Federal-State Natural Area Identification and Management on Federal Lands, John A. Bacone
Recreational Management For Newly Established Natural Areas, Kerry Joel Dawson
Preservation of the Tallgrass Prairie: Opportunities for Action, Dlfight R. Platt
Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.