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Transactions of the 41st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference


Held March 21 to 25, 1976 in Washington, D.C.


Natural Resources Capabilities, Population Needs, and Quality of Life

Formal Opening, Daniel A. Poole

Population, Food and Energy-The Need of New Policies for Our Future, Georg A. Borgstrom

Scientific Resource Management: An Historical Perspective, Susan L. Flader

Toward Legal Rights for Natural Systems, Christopher D. Stone

Private Sector Programs to Maintain Critical Habitats, Patrick F. Noonan

Strategies and Plans for Improving Management of Resources

Opening Remarks, Eugene P. Odum

Three Generations of Pesticides: Time for a New Approach, Robert van den Bosch

Obtaining Protein From the Oceans: Opportunities and Constraints, Norman]. Wilimovsky

Government's Role in Managing Coastal and Marine Resources, David H. Wallace

Energy Evaluation and Management Alternatives for Florida's East Coast, Suzanne Bayley, Howard T. Odum and Michael Kemp

A Modeling Approach to Evaluate Tidal Wetlands, Douglas Hill

Use of Population Genetics Data for the Management of Fish and Wildlife Populations, Michael H. Smith, H. 0. Hillestad, M. N. Manlove and R. L. Marchinton

Maintaining Ecological and Sociological Values in Water Projects

Opening Remarks, William Whipple, Jr.

Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Quality Through the Water Resources Council's Principles and Standards, Warren D. Fairchild

Options for Financing Water Development Projects, Steve H. Hanke

Environmental Objectives and Water Quality Control Programs, William Whipple,Jr.

Assuring Ecological Integrity in Water Developments, John Cairns, Jr. and Kenneth L. Dickson

Flood Control and Wildlife Preservation in Los Angeles Water Projects, Gordon A. Reetz and Dale A. Pierce

Migratory Bird Management: Attitudes, Plans and Cooperative Approaches

Opening Remarks, John S. Tener

The Waterfowl Hunters' Perceptions of the Waterfowl Resource, Robert I. Smith and Roy J. Roberts

A Management Plan for Waterfowl, Lynn A. Greenwalt

Trends and New Directions in Federal Conservation Law Enforcement, Clark R. Bavin

Improving International Cooperative Efforts: Accomplishments and Needs

Aquatic Migratory Birds in Mexico, Mario Luis Cossio Gabucio

Improving International Cooperative Efforts: Accomplishments and Needs, Alan G. Loughrey

International Cooperation in Migratory Bird Management: United States Efforts, Nathaniel P. Reed

Improving International Cooperative Waterfowl Management Efforts: Accomplishments and Needs, Jack R. Grieb

Land Use: Planning and Allocations

Opening Remarks, Alfred Heller

California's Coastal Management Plan, Joseph E. Bodovitz

Energy, Land and Equity, Bruce M. Hannon

Incorporating Fish and Wildlife Values in Land Use Planning, Robert L. Hoover

Land Allocations in Alaska

Cochairman's Remarks, Robert E. LeResche

Alaska's Land-The Crucial Years, Guy R. Martin

Land Allocations in Alaska: Federal Plans, William C. Reffa lt

Social and Economic Considerations in Alaska's Resource Development, Kevin Waring

Federal, State and Local Cooperation, Samuel E. Wood

Energy Demands, Alternative Sources, and Management Needs

Energy and Our National Heritage, Roger W. Sant

Net Benefits to Society From Alternative Energy Investments, Howard T. Odum

Meeting the Challenge of Future Energy Development, F. Eugene Hester

Rehabilitation Potentials and Limitations of Surface Mined Lands, Roger R. Bay

Assuring Ecological Soundness in Coastal Energy Developments, John R. Clark

Constructing and Managing Power Plants to Avoid Adverse Ecological Impacts, Frank L. Parker

Using Animal Population Characteristics To Improve Management

The Use of Protein Variation in the Management of Salmonid Populations, Fred M. Utter, Fred W. Allendorf and Bernie May

The Use of Restocking Quotas in Corcodilian Harvest Management, James D. Nichols, Robert H. Chabreck and Walt Conley

Feral Asses on Public Lands: An Analysis of Biotic Impact, Legal Considerations and Management Alternatives, Steven W. Carothers, Merle E. Stitt and R. R.Johnson

Bobwhite Quail Population Characteristics and Management Implications in South Texas, William H. Kiel,Jr.

Population Ecology of Polar and Grizzly Bears in Canada, Ian Stirling, Arthur M. Pearson and F. L. Bunnell

Population Characteristics of Minnesota Black Bears, Lynn L. Rogers

Providing Habitats for Wild Fauna and Flora

Opening Remarks, Maynard M. Nelson

Maintenance of Natural Diversity: Approach and Recommendations, Robert E. Jenkins

Guidelines for Maintaining and Enhancing Wildlife Habitat in Forest Management in the Blue Mountains of Washington and Oregon, Jack Ward Thomas, Rodney J. Miller, Hugh Black, Jon E. Rodiek and Chris Maser

From Fire Control to Fire Management: An Ecological Basis for Policies, Bruce M. Kilgore

Agriculture and Wildlife: Opportunities and Conflict, Robert W. Long

Habitat Programs and Recreation Opportunities on Private Agricultural Land: Opportunities and Constraints, William]. Horvath

Providing Habitat for Migratory Birds Through Private Efforts, Dale E. Whitesell

Meeting Demands for Resource Management Information and Services

Trends and Future Problems in North American Outdoor Recreation, J. S. Marsh

Perceptions of Animals in American Society, Stephen R. Kellert

Inputs of Wildlifers Expected by Urban and Regional Planners

Moderator's Remarks, Aelred D. Geis

Wildlife As Inputs to Comprehensive Planning, Walter]. Monasch and John H. Thillman

Input of Wildlifers Expected by Urban and Regional Planners: Views of American Institute of Planners, Royce E. Lanier

Wildlife Research Needed by Landscape Architects, Robert 0. Brush

Wildlife Biologists' Involvement in the Planning Process, Dean P. Longrie

Perspectives on Training Needs for Future Resource Managers, R. Keith Arnold

Selling Sound Resource Management - Investment in the Future, Eleanor C.J. Horwitz

Blueprint for the Tricentennial

The Environmental Movement in America's Third Century, Henry L. Diamond

Are National Environmental and Economic Objectives Compatible?, Beatrice E. Willard

Wildlife 1976: A New Perspective is Needed, D. Kent Frizzell

Strengthening State-Federal Cooperation for Western Energy Developments, Thomas L. Judge

Communications and Resource Management, James R. Shepley

Educating Citizens to Improve Resource Management, Walter]. Bogan,Jr.

Closing Remarks, L. R.Jahn

Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.

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