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Transactions of the 46th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference


Held March 21 to 25, 1981 in Washington, D.C.


Challenges and Opportunities in Resources Management

Formal Opening, Daniel A. Poole

New Dimensions and Commitments for Federal Resource Programs, Honorable James Watt

The Sagebrush Rebellion, Mike O'Callaghan

Perspectives on Energy Supplies and Demands, Charles J. DiBona

Effectiveness of the Corps' Resource Management Efforts, Lieutenant General J. K. Bratton

Environmental Assessment: Gains and Challenges, Sally K. Fairfax

Improving Management of Migratory Birds

Evaluation of Stabilized Season Lengths and Bag Limits for Hunting Ducks in the United States and the Prairie Provinces of Canada, R. K. Brace, R. S. Pospahala and R. J. Blohm

Do Wetland Conditions. in the Mississippi Delta Hardwoods Influence Mallard Recruitment?, Mickey E. Heitmeyer and Leigh H. Frederickson

A Theoretical Approach to Problems in Waterfowl Management, Robert 0. Bailey

Seabirds: Progress Report on a Neglected Resource, Calvin J. Lensink and Donald W. Woodard

Status and Management Needs of Migratory Game Birds in the Central American Region, Paul C. Purdy

A Fair Future for Prairie Ducks; Cloudy Further North, Hugh Boyd

Waterfowl Management and Waterfowl Disease: Independent or Cause and Effect Relationships?, Milton Friend

Strengthening Private Lands Management

The Farmer and Wildlife, George W. Stone

Management by Objectives, Gail Shellberg

Missouri's Landowners: How They Perceive the Importance of Wildlife, Steven L. Sheriff, Daniel J. Witter, Samuel B. Kirby and Kenneth M. Babcock

Property Tax Credits to Preserve Wetlands and Native Prairie, Collin C. Peterson and Carl R. Madsen

Strategies and Goals for Wildlife Habitat Restoration on Agricultural Lands, Allen L. Farris and Steven H. Cole

USDA Goals for Strengthening Private Land Management in The 1980s, Norman A. Berg

Strengthening Capabilities to Improve Resources Management

Lessons From Past National Assessments of Wildlife and Fish: Information and Coordination Needs for the Future, Dennis L. Schweitzer, Thomas W. Hoekstra and Charles T. Cushwa

State-of-the-Art of Fish and Wildlife Species Information Systems in the United States, C. W. DuBrock, D. N. Gladwin, W. T. Mason, Jr. and C. T. Cushwa

The National Wetlands Inventory and Its Relationship to Wildlife Habitat Values in the Southwestern United States, Jon Rodiek and Warren Hagenbuck

Industry's Approach to Personnel Classifications, Training and Performance, John W. Devine

The Senior Executive Service, Dean Bollman

Increasing Educational Programs in Fish and Wildlife, James E. Miller

The Resource Manager and the Public: An Evaluation of Historical and Current Concepts and Practices, Robert M. Jackson, Robert Norton and Raymond K. Anderson

Improving Management of Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay, L. Eugene Cronin

Trends in Water Quality for Chesapeake Bay Relative to Improved Management, Thomas B. DeMoss, David A. Flemer, Charles J. Strobel and Duane Wilding

Toxic Substances in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary, Owen P. Bricker

The Chesapeake Bay's Birds and Organochlorine Pollutants, Harry M. Ohlendorf

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of the Chesapeake Bay: Past, Present and Future, Robert J. Orth and Kenneth A. Moore

Trends in Chesapeake Bay Fisheries, Brian J. Rothschild, Philip W. Jones and John S. Wilson

Twenty-five Year Trends in Diving Duck Populations in Chesapeake Bay, Matthew C. Perry, Robert E. Munro and G. Michael Haramis

A Concept of Management for the Chesapeake Bay, John S. Gottschalk

Improved Management of the Chesapeake Bay: Closing Comments, Brian W. Cain

Strengthening Management of Public Lands

Caribou and Domestic Reindeer Grazing on Public Lands in Alaska: Introduction to a Unique Management Problem, Layne G. Adams and Matthew H. Robus

Old-growth Forests as Wildlife Habitat, E. Charles Meslow, Chris Maser and Jared Verner

Managing of Federal Lands for Production and Use of Wildlife and Fish, Thomas W. Hoekstra, Jack Ward Thomas, Michael R. Lennartz and David P. Worley

Sustained Support for Resource Management: The Reality and the Promise, Rexford A. Resler

Effect of Oil and Gas Development on Elk Movements and Distribution in Northern Michigan, James E. Knight

Problems Facing Wildlife Habitat Management on Canadian Forest Lands, E. S. Telfer and T. C. Dauphine

Management of Prairie Potholes and National Wildlife Refuge System Lands, Don W. Minnich

Enhancing Wildlife Values in Urban Areas

Visual Response to Urban Wildlife Habitat, Patricia J. Pudelkewicz

Perceptions of Residential Wildlife Programs, Jennifer A. Yeomans andJohn S. Barclay

Urban Bird Communities and Habitats in New England, Richard M. DeGraaf and James M. Wentworth

The Role of Feeding Stations in Managing Nongame Bird Habitat in Urban and Suburban Areas, Warren R. Winter and John L. George

Values of Urban Wildlife in Missouri, Daniel J. Witter, David L. Tylka and Joseph E. Werner

Wildlife in the Chicago Area: the Interaction of Feeding and Vegetation, Robert W. Guth

Activities of Gray Squirrels and People in a Downtown Washington, D.C. Park: Management Implications, David A. Manski, Larry W. VanDruff and Vagn Flyger

Wildlife-related Activities and Attitudes of Pennsylvanians, Arlene P. Snyder and John L. George

The Value of the Wild-bird Products Industry, John L. George, Arlene P. Snyder and Gloria Hanley

Integrating Wildlife and Forest Management

An Ecosystem Approach to Integrated Timber and Wildlife Habitat Management, Hal Salwasser and John C. Tappeiner II

Integrating Wildlife Habitat Objectives into the Forest Plan, Stephen P. Mealey and John R. Hom

Use of Forest Simulation Models to Integrate Timber Harvest and Nongame Bird Management, Thomas M. Smith, Herman H. Shugart and Darrell C. West

Habitat Size and Bird Community Management, Stanley H. Anderson and Chandler S. Robbins

Forest Management and Anadromous Fish Habitat Productivity, Fred H. Everest and William R. Meehan

Wildlife-Forest Relationships: Is A Reevaluation of Old Growth Necessary?, John W. Schoen, Olof C. Wallmo and Matthew D. Kirchhoff

Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.

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