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Transactions of the 45th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference


Held March 22 to 26, 1980 in Miami Beach, Florida


New Approaches to Manage Natural Resources

Opening Remarks, Daniel A. Poole

The Changing Resource Scene in Florida, Colonel Robert M. Brantly

A Perspective on Federal Public Land Policies in the Late 1970s and 1980s, Guy Martin

Managing Rural Resources: The New Era of the 1980s, William K. Reilly

Acid Rain: Living Resource Implications and Management Needs, Orie L. Loucks

Implications of International Conventions on Management of Living Resources, Richard K. Yancey

Academic Education Needed by Resource Managers, Russell A. Cookingham, Peter T. Bromley and Kirk H. Beattie

National Wildlife and Fisheries Policy

A National Fish and Wildlife Policy, Robert L. Herbst

A Wildlife Policy for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, M. Rupert Cutler

Establishing Common Ground for Resource Allocation and Management

Introductory Remarks-Establishing Common Ground, Gerald W. Cormick

Resolving Conflicts in Natural Resource Priorities: Some Experiences from Developing Countries, R. Michael Wright

Mediation: A "Sell-out" for Conservation Advocates? or a Bargain?, Robert J. Go/ten

Founding a Center for Environmental Mediation in New England, David O'Connor and Charles H. W. Foster

Strengthening Authorities and Procedures for Natural Resources Management

Environmental and Natural Resource Issues: Press Sensationalism, Carroll J. Glynn and Albert R. Tims

Americans' Attitudes and Knowledge of Animals, Stephen R. Kellert

Necessary Conditions for Resource Allocation and Management, Lowell L. Klessig and Stephen B. Lovejoy

Implementation of Executive Order 11988 on Floodplain Management, Frank H. Thomas

Alternatives to Land Acquisition, Robert A. Ritsch

Marine, Estuarine and Coastal Resources

Progress and Problems in Implementing the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, J. L. McHugh

Coastal Zone Studies: A Holisitc Approach, James B. Johnston, Martha W. Young and Carolyn 0. French

Engineering Solutions for Fish and Wildlife Management Problems, Major General Elvin R. Heiberg

Assessment of Fisheries Management Options in National Parks, Richard H. Dawson

Georgia's Approach to Coastal Zone Management, Robert J. Reimold and Linda D. Connally

Habitat Protection Through Coastal Zone Management, James W. Rote

Nongame Research and Management

Role and Importance of Nongame Wildlife, R. Bruce Bury, Howard W. Campbell and Norman J. Scott, Jr.

Endangered Species: An Economic Perspective, Richard C. Bishop

Wildlife Management and Nonhunting Wildlife Enthusiasts, William W. Shaw and David A. King

Consistency in Habitat Preference of Forest Bird Species, Barry R. Noon, Deanna K. Dawson, Douglas B. Inkley, Chandler S. Robbins and Stanley H. Anderson

Island Biogeography and the Conservation of Nongame Birds, Fred B. Samson

Bald Eagles and the Management Program at Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Curtice R. Griffin, Thomas S. Baskett and Rollin D. Sparrowe

Status of Grizzly Bears in the Yellowstone System, Bonnie M. Blanchard and Richard R. Knight

Deficiencies and Training Needs in Nongame Wildlife Management, Robert B. Finley, Jr.

Forestry-Wildlife Management

Preservation of Mature Forest Seral Stages to Provide Wildlife Habitat Diversity, Ira D. Luman and William A. Neitro

Coordinating Forestry and Elk Management, L. Jack Lyon

Experimental Management of Michigan's Deer Habitat, C. L. Bennett, Jr., E. E. Langenau, Jr., G. E. Burgoyne, Jr., J. L. Cook, J. P. Duvendeck, E. M. Harger, R. J. Moran and L. G. Visser

Forest and Wildlife Dynamics in the Southeast, Larry D. Harris

Management Needs on Private Nonindustrial Forest Lands: A Summary of Four Regional Conferences, J. Charles Lee

A Report on the National Private Nonindustrial Forestry Conference held in Washington, D.C. November 26 and 27, 1979, Raymond L. Marler

Bottomland Hardwoods: Status, Values and Maintenance Needs

Status of Bottomland Hardwoods Along the Lower Mississippi River, Stephen W. Forsythe and Stephen W. Gard

Values and Functions of Bottomland Hardwoods, Charles H. Wharton

Factors Controlling the Fate of Pesticides in Rural Watersheds of the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, Christopher J. Schmitt and Parley V. Winger

Management of Lowland Hardwood Wetlands for Wildlife: Problems and Potential, Leigh H. Fredrickson

River Corridor Approach to Bottomland Management, John R. Clark

Federal Regulations: Handles, Effectiveness and Remedies, Patrick A. Parenteau and James T. B. Tripp

Economic Incentives for Bottomland Conversion: The Role of Public Policy and Programs, Leonard Shabman

Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana: Wetland Conservation Alternatives, A. Foster Sanders, III and David M. Soileau

The Cache River Basin, Arkansas: Tragedy and Opportunity, Dr. Rex Hancock and Robert C. Barkley

Importance of Bottomland Hardwoods as Wildlife Habitat in an Urban Environment, Michael M. Grubb and Dennis W. Magee

Natural Resources Management in the Caribbean

Brief Comments on the Mexican Wildlife Directorate's Factual Positions, Angel Salas Cueva

Conservation of Natural Resources in the Caribbean: The Avifauna of Jamaica, Alexander Cruz and Patrick Fairbairn

Seabird Research in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Richard A. Dewey and David W. Nellis

Conservation Practice with Relation to Habitat Loss in the Southeast Caribbean Region, Richard ffrench

Overview of Conservation in the Caribbean Region, Allen D. Putney

Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.

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