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Transactions of the 49th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference


Held March 23 to 28, 1984 in Boston, Massachusetts


Strengthening Natural Resource Stewardship and Management

Opening Remarks, Daniel A. Poole

Canada's Natural Resource Management Programs and Needs, Charles L. Caccia

Address by the Secretary of the Interior, The Honorable William Clark

New Directions in Resource Management, The Honorable John H. Chafee

U.S. Federal Farm Programs, The Honorable Roger W. Jepsen

Fisheries and Wildlife Management in an Urbanizing State, The Honorable James S. Hoyte

Current Water Management Policies and Procedures, Alvin L. Alm

International Cooperation for Wetland Conservation: The Ramsar Convention, David Navid

Using Socioeconomics in Resource Management

Utility of Socioeconomic Research in Wildlife Management, Edward E. Langenau, Jr.

Developing Human Dimensions in New York's Wildlife Research Program, George F. Mattfeld, Daniel J. Decker, Tommy L. Brown, Stuart L. Free, and Peggy R. Sauer

Human Research and New Jersey's Deer Management Program, Robert L. McDowell, James E. Applegate, and Robert C. Lund

Hunter Surveys and Wildlife Management: Wisconsin's Experience, Thomas A. Heberlein and Kent E. Klepinger

Using Angler Preference Data in Defining Types of Sport Fisheries to Manage, B. L. Driver, Clynn Phillips, Eric P. Bergersen, and Charles C. Harris

Using Socioeconomic Data in the Management of Fishing and Hunting, Gregory S. Alward, Bradley J. Sullivan, and Thomas W. Hoekstra

Socioeconomic Profiles of Missouri Deer Poachers: Management Applications, Ronald L. Glover and Thomas S. Baskett

Integrating Fish and Wildlife in Land Management

The Conservation Benefits of USDA's Acreage Reduction Programs, Gordell Brown

Federal Land Retirement Program: A Land Management Albatross?, Alfred H. Berner

Integrating Wildlife Habitat Features in Agricultural Programs, M. Rupert Cutler

Potential Benefits of Organic Farming Practices for Wildlife and Natural Resources, I. G. Youngberg, J. F. Parr, and R. I. Papendick

Minnesota Landowner Attitudes Toward Wildlife Habitat Management, Franklin J. Svoboda

Farm Wildlife Production: What Does It Cost?, Edward C. Soutiere

Forest Landowners' Perspectives on Wildlife Management in New England, Lee Alexander and Stephen R. Kellert

The Woodland Owners' Role in Wildlife Habitat Management, Edward G. McWilliams and Marvin W. Blumenstock

Nongame Wildlife: Funding and Programs

Publicity Strategies and Techniques for Minnesota's Nongame Wildlife Checkoff, Carrol L. Henderson

A Profile of Contributors to the West Virginia Nongame Wildlife Program, Kathleen Carothers and Kenneth B. Knight

Factors Related to Revenue Yield in State Tax Checkoffs, James E. Applegate and J. Richard Trout

The North Carolina Wildlife Endowment Fund: An Investment in the Future, W. Vernon Bevill, Jr.

Idaho's Modular Nongame Plan, Martel Morache

Comprehensive Wildlife Management: An Approach for Developing a Nongame Program in Connecticut, Stephen R. Kellert

Budgeting Wildlife Checkoff Funds: Twenty States' Priorities, Problems and Prospects, Carol J. Boggis and Michael S. Hamilton

The Status of Urban Wildlife Programs, James R. Lyons and Daniel L. Leedy

Advances in Wetland Research and Management

Perspectives on the Delta Waterfowl Research Station-Ducks Unlimited Canada Marsh Ecology Research Program, Henry R. Murkin, Bruce D. J. Batt, Patrick J. Caldwell, Craig B. Davis, John A. Kadlec and Arnold G. van der Valk

A Conceptual Approach to Relating Habitat Structure and Macroinvertebrate Production in Freshwater Wetlands, Jeffrey W. Nelson and John A. Kadlec

Vegetation Change and Seed Banks in Marshes: Ecological and Management Implications, Roger L. Pederson and Arnold G. van der Valk

Systems Evaluation of Okefenokee Swamp, Bernard C. Patten

Needs for Private Sector Wetland Research: Ducks Unlimited's Perspective, Richard A. Wishart, Jeffrey W. Nelson, and Patrick J. Caldwell

Research Gaps in Assessing Wetland Functions, Patricia Ruta Stuber and J. Henry Sather

Values of Fish and Wildlife: Public Trust and Economic

Opening Remarks, James H. McDivitt

A Field Guide to Wildlife Economic Analysis, John B. Loomis, George Peterson, and Cindy Sorg

Agricultural Management Practices and Wildlife-Related Recreation: Pheasant Hunting Recreation in Iowa, John A. Miranowski and Ruth Larson Bender

Benefits to Deer Hunters from Forest Management Practices Which Provide Deer Habitat, Elizabeth A. Witman

Estimating Substate Values of Fishing and Hunting, Jon R. Miller and Michael J. Hay

Analyzing Values of Fish and Wildlife Populations, Kenneth S. Lyon and John E. Keith

Quasi-Option Values of Natural Resources, Philippe J. Crabbe

Economics of Endangered Species Management: The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Rebecca P. Judge, Randy Strait, and William F. Hyde

Concepts of Value, Nonmarket Valuation, and the Case of the Whooping Crane, John R. Stoll and Lee Ann Johnson

The Importance of Including Costs of Full Mitigation in Benefit-Cost Analysis and Guidance for Planning Actual Mitigation, John B. Loomis

Innovative Responses to Conservation Challenges

4-H Fish and Wildlife Programs: New Initiatives on Old Problems, Ronald A. Howard, Jr.

Attitudes on Wildlife and Knowledge Retained By 4-H Alumni, James L. Byford and Sheila Munsey

Wildlife Population Viability: A Question of Risk, Hal Salwasser, Stephen E. Mealey, and Kathy Johnson

Managing Forested Lands for Wildlife in Colorado, John C. Capp, James F. Lipscomb, and Wayne W. Sandfort

Fee-Hunting on the Public's Lands?-An Appraisal, Jack Ward Thomas

Balance of Nature: Fiction and Reality, Walter E. Howard

Meeting Migratory Bird Management Needs By Integrated Disease Control, Milton Friend

Field Evaluation of Two Models Developed Following the Habitat Evaluation Procedures, Jonathan Bart, Daniel R. Petit, and Greg Linscombe

Migratory Birds: Status and Needs

Status and Needs of the Mallard, James C. Bartonek, Robert J. Blohm, R. K. Brace, F. D. Caswell, Kenneth E. Gamble Harvey W. Miller, Richard S. Pospahala, and Morton M. Smith

Winter Habitat Preference of White-Fronted Geese in Louisiana, John C. Leslie and Robert H. Chabreck

The Black Duck Population and Its Management, John P. Rogers and James H. Patterson

Compensatory Mortality in Waterfowl Populations: A Review of the Evidence and Implications for Research and Management, James D. Nichols, Michael J. Conroy, David R. Anderson, and Kenneth P. Burnham

Geese and Hunters of Alaska's Yukon Delta: Management Problems and Political Dilemmas, Dennis G. Raveling

Avian Cholera in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin, Ronald M. Windingstad, James J. Hurt, Alan K. Trout, and John Cary

Examining Economic Efficiency of Management Practices That Enhance Waterfowl Production, John T. Lokemoen

Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.

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