Transactions of the 61st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Held March 22 to 27, 1996 in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Opening Session. Reinventing Conservation
Opening Statement, Rollin D. Sparrowe
The Environmental Agenda, The Honorable John H. Chafee
Current Issues in Natural Resource Policy, Peter D. Coppelman
1995 National 4-H Wildlife and Fisheries Recognition Awards
Guy Bradley Award, Whitney Tilt
Special Session 1. Issues and Problems in Predation Management to Enhance Avian Recruitment
Introductory Remarks, Terry A. Messmer
Prairie Duck Populations and Predation Management, Raymond J. Greenwood and Marsha A. Sovada
Environmental Perturbations and Rates of Nest Predation in Birds, TE. Martin, IJ. Ball and J. Tewksbury
Effects of Predation on Migratory Shorebird Recruitment, Douglas L. Helmers and Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor
Predation and Galliforme Recruitment: An Old Issue Revisited, George A. Hurst, L. Wes Burger and Bruce D. Leopold
Impacts of Predation on Passerine Post-fledging Success, Kimberly A. Sullivan and James J. Roper
Using Landscape Information Approaches to Increase Duck Recruitment in the Prairie Pothole Region, Ronald E. Reynolds, Danny R. Cohan and Michael A. Johnson
Effects of Mammalian Predator Removal on Waterfowl and Non-game Birds in North Dakota, Pamela R. Garrettson, Frank C. Rohwer, John M. Zimmer, Ben J. Mense and Nancy Dion
Predator Management to Protect Endangered Avian Species, Gary W Witmer, Janet L. Bucknall, Thomas H. Fritts and David G. Moreno
Managing Habitat to Enhance Avian Recruitment, I.J. Ball
Altering Predator Foraging Behavior to Reduce Predation of Ground-nesting Birds, Robert G. Clark, Karla L. Guyn, Robert C. Penner and Brad Semel
Special Session 2. Conservation Potpourri
Characteristics of Eastern South Dakota Wetland Basins and Implications of Changes in Jurisdictional Wetland Definitions, Rex R. Johnson, David E. Naugle, Michael E. Estey and Kenneth F. Higgins
Minimizing Controversy in Wildlife and Livestock Grazing Management, James E. Knight
A Quarter Century of American Falconry Regulation: An Example of Management/User Cooperation, S. Kent Carnie and Ralph R. Rogers
Illinois Fur Hunting and Trapping Project: A Case Study in Facing Reality, Mark Damian Duda and David J. Case
"Wildlife is About as Exciting as Recycling" and Other Viewpoints from the "Uncommitted Public", Therese R. Thompson and George D. Lapointe
Diversity: Maintenance 1ips for a Double-edged Sword, Sally F. Angus
Beyond Rhetoric: Facing the New Realities in Fish and Wildlife Agency Management, Spencer R. Amend and Walt Gasson
Special Session 3. Prescribed Fire and Its Effects on Wildlife Habitat and Populations
Introductory Remarks, Champe B. Green and Ronald E. Masters
Monitoring the Long-term Effects of Prescribed Burning on Non-game Wildlife in a Grassland Ecosystem in Central British Columbia, Trudy Chatwin and Ruth van den Driessche
Restoring Cross Timbers Ecosystems with Fire, David M. Engle, Terrence G. Bidwell and Ronald E. Masters
Influence on Birds of Dormant Versus Lightning-season Prescribed Fire in Longleaf Pine Forests: Experimental Design and Preliminary Results, R.T. Engstrom, D.B. McNair, LA. Brennan, C.L. Hardy and L.W Burger
Using Fire and Bison to Restore a Functional Tallgrass Prairie Landscape, Robert G. Hamilton
Enhancing Oak Regeneration with Fire in Shelterwood Stands: Preliminary Trials, Patrick D. Keyser. Patrick Brose, David Van Lear and Kent M. Burtner
Effects of Prescribed Burning on Black-capped Vireo Habitat and Territory Establishment, Kevin G. O'Neal, John T. Baccus, William E. Armstrong and Donnie E. Harmel
Effects of Prescribed Burning on Wild Turkeys, William E. Palmer, K. David Godwin, George A. Hurst and Darren A. Miller
Responses of Avian Populations and Vegetation to Prescribed Burning in Pine Forests of the Arkansas Ozarks, Amy L. Sa/veter, Douglas A. James and Kimberly G. Smith
Fire Seasonality Effects on Vegetation in Mixed-, Tall and Southeastern Pine Grassland Communities: A Review, Jeffrey C. Sparks and Ronald E. Masters
Closing Remarks, Champe B. Green
Special Session 4. Social and Economic Benefits of Investments in Fish and Wildlife Management
Implications of Economic Information for Natural Resource Managers: An Alaskan Case Study, Daniel W. McCollum, SuzAnne M. Miller, Philip Janik and Kimberly Titus
Sustaining Wildlife Values on Private Lands: A Survey of State Programs for Wildlife Management on Private Lands in California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington, KaushArha
Investments in Wildlife Enhancement through Widespread Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture for Social and Economic Benefits, J. Theodore Morris, Peter T. Bromley, John R. Anderson, Jr., Robert C. Abt and William E. Palmer
Sustaining Wildlife Values in the Public Sector: An Overview of State and Federal Management Issues, Mark Damian Duda and Kira C. Young
Economics of Wolf Recovery in Yellowstone National Park, John W. Duffield and Chris J. Neher
Economics of Endangered Species: Bald Eagles on the Skagit River Bald Eagle Natural Area, Washington, Cindy Sorg Swanson
The Role of Elk Conservation in Sustainable Development: Past, Present and Future on Montana's Rocky Mountain Front, Thomas R. Baumeister. Hal Salwasser and Ashley L. Preston
Special Session 5. Recruiting, Retaining and Training Consumptive Users of Fish and Wildlife
Facing Realities in Recruiting, Retaining and Training Consumptive Fish and Wildlife Users, Shari L. Dann and R. Ben Peyton
Factors Related to Hunting and Fishing Participation in the United States, Mark Damian Duda, Steven J. Bissell and Kira C. Young
Desertion in the Ranks: Recruitment and Retention of Sportsmen, Jean C. Mangun, Dale A. Hall and Joseph T. O'Leary
Status of Hunter Education in the United States and Canada, Robert L. Byrne, Gary J. Taylor, Phil T. Seng and Kira C. Young
Retaining Likely Dropouts from Hunting: New York's Apprentice Hunter Program, Jody W. Enck, George F. Mattfeld and Daniel J. Decker
Adoption of Home Study Hunter Education to Enhance Learning, Delwin E. Benson and Lawrence J. Hilaire
Training and Retaining Women in Traditional Fish- and Wildlife-based Recreation, Christine L. Thomas and Diane Humphrey Lueck
Overcoming Constraints to Women's Participation in Consumptive Uses of Fish and Wildlife, Nancy A. Connelly, Daniel J. Decker and Rebecca J. Stout
Systematic Strategies for Recruiting, Training and Retaining Hunters and Anglers, James R. Wentz
Wisconsin Student Hunter Project, Scott R. Craven, Donald H. Rusch and Carl A. Batha
Recruiting, Training and Retaining Hunters and Anglers: Challenging the Natural Resources Education Community, Bruce E. Matthews
Special Session 6. The Link Between Long-term Research and Management
Linking Long-term Research and Management, Paul R. Krausman and Eric G. Bolen
Long-term Research on the White-tailed Deer/Conifer Thermal Cover Relationship: Aligning Expectations with Reality, Glenn D. De/Giudice and Michael R. Riggs
Effects of Research on Sage Grouse Management, Clait E. Braun and Thomas D.l. Beck
Research Contributions to Management of Canada Geese in the Mississippi Flyway, Donald H. Rusch, F. Dale Caswell, Murray M. Gillespie and James O. Leafloor
Research and Effective Management of Neotropical Migrant Birds, John H. Rappole and Richard M. DeGraaf
Linking Research and Management Conceptual Designs and Case Studies, Michael L. Morrison, William M. Block, Linnea S. Hall. Laurel L. Christoferson and John A. Martin
Long- Versus Short-term Research and Effective Management: A Case Study Using the Wild Turkey, Bruce D. Leopold, George A. Hurst and Darren A. Miller
The Precautionary Principle, Weakening the Link Between Long-term Research and Management, William I. Morrill
Linking Temporal with Spatial Scales in Wildlife Research, J.A. Bissonette
Managing Research as an Investment, Bruce P. Van Haveren
Special Session 7. Issues and Ecological Dimensions of "Forest Health"
Forest Health and Biological Resources: Making the Connection, R. Neil Sampson
Restoration of Forest Ecosystem Health: Western Long-needled Pines, W Wallace Covington and R. Neil Sampson
Forest Health and Spotted Owls in the Eastern Cascades of Washington, James G. MacCracken, Blake S. Rowe and Wade C. Boyd
Special Session 8. Commissions, Compacts and Councils: Strengthening State-based Institutions
North American Waterfowl Management Program: State Action to Protect Migratory Resources, Gary T. Myers, Bettina Sparrowe and Ross Melinchuk
MICRA-From Dream to Reality, Jerry L. Rasmuss en
Developing the Tools of Cooperative Interjurisdictional ProgramsThe Experience of Statistics and Fisheries-independent Data Gathering in Southeastern Marine Fisheries, Larry B. Simpson and David M. Donaldson
Cooperative State Action to Address Research Needs - The Experience of the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, Victor F. Nettles and William R. Davidson
Cooperative Fish Therapeutic Funding Initiative: States in Partnership with Federal Agencies to Ensure the Future of Public Fish Culture, Rosalie Arlene Schnick
State Action to Conserve Endangered Species: Bull Trout Restoration in Montana, Gregory T.M. Schildwachter
Published annually since 1915, the Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference provide a unique and informative record of the direction and momentum of professional natural resource management. Tracking current research and management emphases and the perspectives and approaches to meeting the challenges to sustaining and conserving North America's wildlife and their habitats, the Transactions is a valuable reference for all who deal with the complexities and intricacies of natural resource issues, policies and programs.